Tips to follow

The Success in Apprenticeship site contains a variety of resources designed to help you practice and improve your level of reading, using documents and numeracy skills.

Here are some helpful tips:

Tip #1

  • Use a laptop or desktop computer when accessing the contents of this site.
  • The Success in Apprenticeship site is best viewed using a large screen.
  • Mobile devices and tablets are not recommended

Tip #2

  • Access all the learning material through the Apprentice profile on the home page.
  • Here you will find interactive skill building refreshers, activities using realistic workplace scenarios and worksheets for additional math practice.

Tip #3

  • Take the Locator evaluation before using the learning materials.
  • This evaluation is found in the Apprentice profile and will help you gauge your strengths and inform additional skill development.
  • Consider taking the Locator again later on to gauge your progress.

Tip #4

  • Use the Skill Builders to refresh or build your skills. Skill Builders are short, interactive and strategies-focused learning modules.
  • Apply the skills and the related strategies that you are learning to complete tasks and solve problems regularly encountered on the job or during apprenticeship learning.

Tip #5

  • Use the Workplace Activities to practice applying your skills in a realistic manner.
  • Improve your ability and confidence in each skill area by applying your these skills as you would on the job. 

Tip #6

  • Use the Math Practice Worksheets for additional math skills practice.
  • Perform drill and practice exercises to fine tune your math skills for more automatic application during apprenticeship learning and on the job.